Saturday, March 19, 2022

1930 REO 
(photo descriptions work performed in, invoice #2)

General Description of Work: Fabricate new apron lower edge stiffener (some of the fabrication work was done in the last billing - see number 16 & 17 photo descriptions for last invoice).  Install lower edge stiffener to apron on car, tack weld, mark new mounting hole locations, then remove front fender and running board, lift body and remove apron from car. Install new stiffener to apron, correct old mounting holes, straighten apron to remove welding warp, then lift body and reinstall apron to car.

Photo 1) Photo shows the old splash apron lower edge wrapping under the running board. The old edge served as a stiffener and was made of light material bent at 90%. It did not run the length of the apron uninterrupted. It allowed for too much flex. Also, the stiffener mounting holes, visible from other side, were incorrect (as shown in photo #3). 

Photo 2) Photo shows the new splash apron bottom edge made of heavier material. The new 90% edge is not as wide but it runs the length unbroken and is made of heavier material. It is cleaner looking and stronger. The strength is important because when the splash apron is removed later for bodywork and paint, it will not be flimsy and prone to flexing which could cause paint cracking problems later. Also, it eliminates the incorrectly placed mounting holes along the bottom edge of splash apron.

Photo 3)  Photo shows incorrect mounting holes of lower edge with correct locations drilled in new 90% stiffener.

Photo 4) Photo shows weld to correct hole. The welds were then dressed down, the piece was turned over and new holes drilled from backside.

Photo 5) Checking piece for straightness.

Photo 6) Work area.

Photo 7) Apron with new stiffener edge and holes corrected.


1930 REO

  1930 REO (photo record for work performed in, Invoice #19) Photo 19-1a thru 1d) Photos show my work fabricating the right splash apron str...