Wednesday, April 27, 2022

1930 REO

1930 REO
(photo descriptions for work performed in, invoice #3)

Photos 1, 2, 3) Photos show repair of left rear running board gusset. 
Plan for making this repair was previously mentioned in 
description for photo #17, invoice #1.

Photo 4, 5, 6) Photo shows fabrication of stainless steel plates
 for running boards. Plan for making these plates was previously
 mentioned in description for photo #17, invoice #1.

Photo 7, 8, 9)  Photo shows 3 stainless plates fabricated and installed. The second two photos show the difference between the old plate on the right side, and new plate just installed to the left side. Each new plate fills in several gaps that the old plate did not cover. The gaps did not look good. The new plates fill in the gaps completely and make for a much better look. The new plates are not yet polished although I did quickly run them across the buffing wheel once just to spiff them up a bit for photos. They can be polished later.


Note: While reinstalling the left fenders, running board, and splash apron, it was very nice to have all the holes line up and fasteners thread easily in with fingers (no more ridiculous system of clamps and jacks to put it all together). Repair of right side panels will come next.


1930 REO

  1930 REO (photo record for work performed in, Invoice #19) Photo 19-1a thru 1d) Photos show my work fabricating the right splash apron str...