Sunday, February 26, 2023

1930 REO


1930 REO
(photo record for work performed in, Invoice #15)

Photo 15-1a) Photo shows additional adjustment to right splash apron. Note that I still need to install the strengthener to the apron but that will come after the fitting work is complete.

Photo 15-2a thru 15-2e) Series of photos shows the progress of work to square up the panels. The top photo is a before photo and shows the fender is way out of square. The second photo down shows the running board is also way out of square. Note that the fender and running board are each out of square in a way that compounds the problem. Also note that I will correct the running board after I complete the fitting work for the fenders and apron. The third photo down shows the fit of panels after I did a major sheet metal pull using my portable frame machine. The new panel fit is prefect in photo but when I moved the apron back a hair into its exact pre-pull location, I lost a little bit of the square fit but only a tiny bit so its all good. The fifth photo in this group shows the fit in another direction and it is perfect. The last photo shows the gap between the running board gusset and fender which is also perfect now when before it was way off. So while I don’t want to jinx myself because the work is not done yet, it is looking real good so far.

Photos 15-3a thru 15-3c) Photos show the sheet metal pull I did with my portable frame machine (BTW, I made that machine 33 years ago). The first photo shows the machine hooked up and in process of pull. The first photo also shows the fender tied to the axle to keep it from moving in places I didn’t want it to move. The second photo shows the other end of the frame machine anchored so it cannot move. The third photo shows how I anchored the fender to the frame. Also in the third photo, very top left corner, the 4x4 block is visible coming up from a floor jack. Altogether these photos show how I kept the fender from moving where I did not want it to move while I put some serious force on it, to reshape it and bring it into square as shown in photos above.

Photo 14-4a thru 14-4c) Photos show miscellaneous work performed to achieve fit of right front fender. There’s a lot of work that was done not shown by photos. And so far I’m happy with the progress.  

 NOTE: Still a ways to go but definitely getting there.



1930 REO

  1930 REO (photo record for work performed in, Invoice #19) Photo 19-1a thru 1d) Photos show my work fabricating the right splash apron str...