Sunday, October 9, 2022

1930 REO


1930 REO
(photo record for work performed in, Invoice #10)

Photo 10-1a) Photo shows beginning of work on interior reveal panels and other interior parts, acid etching each part prior to epoxy coating.

Photo 10-2a) The photo shows parts that were under a mouse nest in your trailer. The mice peed on the parts and caused them to rust. It was only the few parts shown and I got rid of the mice. I now have four cats living out there and they like to hang out under the trailer, so hopefully no more mice.

Photos 10-3a thru 10-3c) Photos show the interior revel molding and other parts after acid etching and ready for epoxy coating. The heat lamp is on them to keep them warm. It was 71 degrees in the shop already so it was not cold, but I wanted to keep the parts warm, not hot, but just nice and warm to avoid any residual moister before primer application.

Photo 10-4a thru 10-4b) Photos show parts after epoxy coating. Note that parts are in the shade. No parts were ever painted in direct sunlight or allowed to dry in direct sunlight. Direct sunlight can cause the primer surface to dry too fast and trap uncured solvents underneath.

Photo 10-5a)  Photo show water jug used for soaking small parts in vinegar to remover rust. Parts were put in container several weeks ago (see photo descriptions for invoice #7). Notice how the rust has bubbled to the top to form a head of rust-foam. I drained this off and rinsed the parts with clean vinegar (see next photos below).

Photo 10-6a thru 19-6c)  The first photo shows parts after soaking in vinegar for several week. The blackish stuff seen on the parts wiped off super-easy to leave perfectly clean bare metal. The second photo shows the preparation process. The parts go from a rinse of water/vinegar to acid scrub with the new product before being thoroughly dried. Enlarge the photo if you want and see how clean the parts came out. In the near future, I will use this process to de-rust the hood doors. The third photo below shows hardware parts stored in baggies after applying oil. Note the oil turned the hardware parts dark in color.

Photo10-76a thru 10-7b) Photos show console parts, cowl vent mechanism parts, park-brake parts, and other parts after acid etching, ready for epoxy coating.

Photo 10-8a thru 10-8c) Photos show parts after epoxy coating.

Note: About 147 bare metal parts have now been cleaned, acid etched, and coated with epoxy. One more batch of parts should complete the work, or maybe two more batches.





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1930 REO

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